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Cardrona What's On: Willow's is Open!

June 30, 2021
Jen Houltham
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Jen Houltham

What a week we've had on the mountain... Willow's is finally open!

We couldn't be more excited to open Willow's this week after some great snowfall at the start of the week and a solid couple of days' work from our maintenance, lifts, and patrol teams to get the lift and basins ready. Willow's is our first step into Soho Basin, and the first time a significant piece of lift-accessed terrain has been opened in New Zealand for a decade.

Check out the video of how it all went down yesterday below:


SnowsBest.com is calling a snowy day tomorrow, a bit of sun on Sunday, and back into the storm again on Monday. If we go with their forecast, wecould be looking at a pretty magical week next week... watch this space!


It's been another great week at TC with some snowfall at the start of the week and great snow conditions throughout.

The Motatapu Chutes also opened for the first time this week! Check out this video with Jess Hotter and Jessie Violet tearing some first turns and hits in there on Wednesday:


The Cardrona Mountain Bikes on Snow race is on tomorrow! This one is total carnage and mayhem, and a must-see for anyone up the mountain tomorrow. It's a mass-start race from the top of McDougall's all the way to the Base Area, and there are thrills and spills the whole way down.

Unfortunately due to snow conditions on course, our Events team have made the call to postpone Piki Maunga Rangatahi till August 28, 2021.


The first jump in Big Bucks opened today, making that two jumps in Big Bucks, three in Antlers Alley, and two in Lil' Bucks... it's jump city around here!

This weekend the lads will be starting their build for the Burton and GoPro Battle of the Bubble. It's a social media based competition, where we build a feature in the terrain park, and you show us your best video edits! There's $20,000 in prizes and cash to be won, so it's going to be an awesome one to get involved with.

Both us and Thredbo are taking part - the two resorts are also facing off against each other with our features and an overall video edit.

Check out all the information about the Battle of the Bubble here.


This week we want to shout out another of our wonderful suppliers - the team at Chia Sisters! They're doing amazing things in the sustainability space, and have been so supportive of our journey so far.

Chia Sisters is run by two South Island sisters, who both learnt to snowboard at Cardrona and TC.
They've just been awarded "Best for the World 2021" by B Corp, meaning they're in the top 5% of businesses globally for their environmental impact.

Some other cool stuff about Chia Sisters:

  • Their juicery is solar powered!
  • They are zero carbon, and climate positive certified
  • They're Living Wage certified

We love what they're doing, so thanks for being a part of our whānau, Chia Sisters!

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About the Author

Jen Houltham

Jen is Cardrona's resident word nerd. She's out & about on the mountain most days; a big fan of carving groomed runs, powder hunting & laps through Lil' Bucks!

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